Thursday, June 7, 2007

Assignment 2

I figured our first real assignment should be something fun, so here go:

Write from the point of view of any videogame character you like, in any situation you like.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Assignment 1

Introductions! Sum yourself up in one sentence, maybe a mission statement type thing almost. List your favorite book, character, word, author, song, or anything that comes to mind. Also, tell one random thing about yourself that you think is weird, or that you think other people will think is weird.


One sentence! That's difficult baby Bri Bri... ok, here I go (this is Dori, by the way!):

My favorite word is tushie or maybe mush or mushy tushie and one of the many things that is weird about me is that I have a language that I speak with my brother where we eliminate all unnecessary words, shorten words that are too long if it's obvious what word we are trying to say, replacing plural with singular and singular with plural, and interchanging verb tenses regardless of whether or not they make sense—with the random yiddish word (from a selection of like 5) thrown in.


Brian - Ha, I didn't mean you had to say everything in one sentence, I meant more like a single sentence to sum yourself up. Like a metaphor or something you just like. Then you could list the other stuff separately.

For myself, I often feel like an alien or a robot almost, and I feel as if I'm being dragged along by time through all of these places and events that I have no real hope of understanding, so I just keep describing it all to myself and telling myself stories of the world, trying to make sense of it and myself, even if a lot of the time I just feel like no sense is coming from it, just amassing words on page after page that I toss off into the night.

As for some of my favorite things, I love the poet Rilke a LOT. I'm a humanist at heart, but more of a transhumanist recently, so Rilke's message from the early 20th century, when technology was still full of promise for people, really appeals to me.

I also love the smell outside after it rains.

One weird thing about me: I feel guilty if I kill bugs so I usually just put them in cups and carry them outside. There's also a cat living in my wall.

First post!

Hi everybody, welcome to our new writing blog! Dori and I are both massive writing nerds so we're going to post little assignments on a regular basis, not sure how often yet, and we'll follow that up with our responses. Also, everybody is encouraged to participate in the comments! Once we get the layout under control, things will be much prettier. Anyway, the main goal is just to have fun and stimulate some creativity, so hopefully this blog will be full of awesome posts pretty soon. I'll post the first assignment later today, then everybody can get writing!
